Catch up on Anni's latest Blog posts:

Latest Works in Progress

In preparation for the two shows coming up, I am creating a few new pieces. I have been asked to do some more of my 3D pieces, namely nests and silk organza vessels. Here are a few images of my recent nest workings................

First blog post

Dear all, I have been very frustrated with my website recently and cannot resolve the issues without further great expense, so I have decided to start a blog here and keep this as an update of what is going on in my life. I'm hoping it will be...


2010. Acrylic Encaustics on paper. 90cm x 25cm....

Uphill and Downdale

2009-2010. Silk-screened raw silk. Machine- and hand-stitched. 3D: 50cm x 16cm diameter, 2D: 61cm x 77cm....

Messages from the Past 1

2010. Dyed cotton, discharged with vat dyes. Painted with oil sticks. Machine-stitched. 50cm x 120cm....

Messages from the Past 2

2010. Cotton fabric weaving. Painted with oil sticks. Hand and machine stitched. 36cm x 40cm....
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