Oh what a tangled web we weave!
I have not been idle during this long absence from posting here on my blog.
In fact, I've had several shows... some of which were very successful in regards to sales.
However, I've been struggling with that same old question again!
Is this my true voice?
Either you have something already completed that fits perfectly into the exhibition's narrative, or you have to 'scramble' to produce something in the timeline to enter the call.
I have a few people whom I can call upon when times like these strike me. They are honest and sincere and know me and my art well.
Here's the problem:
As you know, textile work is slow and time demanding... so being ready to respond to CFE's is quite the challenge.
Either you have something already completed that fits perfectly into the exhibition's narrative, or you have to 'scramble' to produce something in the timeline to enter the call.
This latter scenario often leads to one entering work that isn't really true to your inner voice, or even up to your usual quality standards.
I keep telling myself to not let this happen, and to work ahead, with nothing in mind other than to enjoy what I am creating.
But I'm still struggling with this, and (I feel) still not creating what is truly in my soul.
So in reflection, I took this last year to search my inner self, and question...
- What it is that I love to do?
- What really excites me?
- What would I do if I had a solo show, in which I could choose my subject matter and not have to adhere to a narrative set by a gallery?
- What techniques would I use?
- Would I still be focused in textiles?
I think I've found some answers to these questions.
I've been creating some very different work for me, although my 'style' is still visible through it all.
It's a slow process, but a very rewarding one.
I'm not ready to expose my efforts to the world just yet. I'm still working out the details, but I'm excited to be on this new path to find my inner voice.
I'm interested to know, do others have these struggles? And do they ever get resolved?
I would love to hear what others textile artists are struggling with. Please comment your thoughts below.
- Anni