
A collection of 5 posts

The Joyful and Random Discovery of the Artistic Process

Sometimes, CFE constraints are useful; they can inhibit you or cause you to get stuck. Maybe the subject doesn’t excite you, for example, and it may stifle your creative process. This is where “random” and “joyful” play comes into the picture!...

First Steps

I have a show at the Kay Meek Theatre starting January 9th. I'm excited to see how this will be received....

Horseshoe Bay Artwalk is Back!

Well, the Horseshoe Bay group have managed to pull it off again – well almost! We are doing the Artwalk again, and I hope you can drop in to look at some of the artists. I am probably going to be at Helen Weiser's house this year along with...

Current Exhibition at Fiberworks

After a long vacation, I am ready to get back into my studio and have some fun. I love to go away and recharge my 'creative batteries' but I must say it is nice to come home and get back into the studio....
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