
A collection of 60 posts


January 2020. Gouache/Inks on linen, hand stitched with silk threads. 18" x 36"....

Circle of Life

January 2020. Gouache/Inks on linen, hand stitched with silk threads. 16" x 22"....

Onto the front of my piece

I promised to share the process once I started on the front of my "Women's Work" piece....

Transforming Donated Fabrics

A fabric with parallel stitch lines, works well with wicking the dyes in lines....

Stitching Outside in the Sunset

What a beautiful evening to sit outside and stitch and meditate about the nature we are so lucky to live in!...

On with the next show!

Well my week has been busy with creating 3D vessels for the next show. The image below is a piece that is on it's way to being finished....

New Works

Well I have been working on several pieces at once which I like to do to keep my mind alert! Here I have been 'writing' with my sewing machine on soluble fabric, which washes away to leave only thread letters. They are pinned and drying right now....

One deadline down, next one looming!

I noticed this draft blog that never went out in the Spring, but decided to post it anyway! Well, that was one deadline over with......."Whisperings II" was hung today and opens on Friday....

Stitching in the Sunshine

I'm enjoying stitching a few new pieces for "Whisperings II" . Using my Eco-printed pieces as the base for inspiration.........
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