Catch up on Anni's latest Blog posts:

Stitching Outside in the Sunset

What a beautiful evening to sit outside and stitch and meditate about the nature we are so lucky to live in!...

Current Exhibition at Fiberworks

After a long vacation, I am ready to get back into my studio and have some fun. I love to go away and recharge my 'creative batteries' but I must say it is nice to come home and get back into the studio....

Slow Down and Smell the Roses!

How about if 'I' chose the topic for a change? How about if I go back to my original 'City & Guilds' methods of researching a topic and taking it as far as I can go with it?...

On with the next show!

Well my week has been busy with creating 3D vessels for the next show. The image below is a piece that is on it's way to being finished....

First Nations Reconciliation Pole

I attended a very important event yesterday at the University of British Columbia. A ceremonial raising of a Totem Pole to commemorate the First Nations children who died in the residential schools of Canada....

New Works

Well I have been working on several pieces at once which I like to do to keep my mind alert! Here I have been 'writing' with my sewing machine on soluble fabric, which washes away to leave only thread letters. They are pinned and drying right now....
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